pHcama: paz: È
आदर्श: ग्राम: ।
AistÄ is naamaÄ named kao|ipÄ certain ga`ama:Ä village,
inasaga-saaOndya-oNaÄ by natural beauty, AtIvaÄ very
much, sampnna: Ä enriched, eYa: Ä this, AiBat: Ä around, hirta: Ä green, vaRxaa: Ä trees, SaaoBantoÄlook
beautiful, kaicat\ Ä certain, nadIÄ river, vahitÄ flows, naVa: Ä rivers, jalaonaÄby
water, saujala:Äprosperous,
fruitful , caÄ and BavaitÄ becomes.
tismana\Ä in that, ivaValaya: Äschool, mahaivaValaya: Ä college
vat-otoÄ are. na kovalaM Ä not
baalaa: Ä children, ikntu Ä but, baailaka:Ä girls AipÄ also, AanandonaÄ happily, gacCintÄ go.
kScanaÄ certain, samaRw:Ä rich, sausajja:Ä updated, ga`nqaalaya:Ä library, AistÄ is, ivaivaQaa:Ä various,
vaR<ap~aiNaÄ newspapers, ivaVntoÄ are, Ca~aNaaM Ìto Ä
students, eka Ä one, AByaaisakaÄ study-room.
kiScat\Ä certain, ÉgNaalaya:Ä hospital, tj&a: Ä expert, vaOVa: Ä doctors, inapuNaa: Ä skilled,
SalyaivaSaarda: Ä surgeons, saovaapra: Ä engrossed
in service, pircaairka: Ä nurses, vat-nto Ä are, t~ Ä there, baalaka: Ä children, Aanandona Ä happily, Kolaint Ä play, ]Vanasya
samaIpo Ä near the garden, eva Ä only, dovaalaya: Ä temple, janaa: Ä people, prmaoSvarM Ä god, pUjayaint Ä worship, p`aqa-yanto Ä prey.
maihlaainaiQainaxaop: Ä self help group
for women, tsya Ä its, saahayyaona Ä by
is~ya: Ä women, Aqaa-ja-nao Ä to
earn money, xamaa: Ä able, svayaMisawa: Ä self-reliant, maVma\ Ä liquor, na ipbaint Ä do
not drink, na vaa Ä nor, tmaaKup~M Ä tobacco leaf, saovanto Ä eat, VUto Ä in
gambling, kalaapvyayaM
kuva-int Ä do not waste time, sava-o Ä all, Eaamyaint Ä work
QanaM Ä money, ivandint Ä obtain, jaIvaint Ä live.
At: Ä Therefore, klahmau@t: Ä disputefree, ivaVmaanaM Ä meant
for , pairtaoiYakma\
Ä prize, p`aPtma\ Ä is
obtained, evaM Ä in
this way, sa%yamaova Ä truely, AadSa-: Ä ideal,
svacCta¹AiBayaanaona pursÌt: Ä sponsored by cleanliness drive, AiBaQaanama\ Ä
name, saaqa-M kraoit Ämakes
kao|ip Ä k: + Aip È
pairtaoiYakmaip Ä pairtaoiYakma\ + Aip È
sa%yamaova Ä sa%yama\ + eva È
There is a certain
village named as Nirmalapura. This village is much enriched with natural
beauty. Green trees look beautiful around the village. Certain river flows in
the village. By the water of the river, village is becoming prosperous and
In that village, there
is a school and a college. Not only boys but even girls go to school happily.
There is a certain rich
and updated library in the village. There are various books and newspapers in
the library. There is a study-room also for the students.
In Nirmalapura, there
is a certain hospital. In the hospital, there are expert doctors, skilled
surgeons and nurses who are engrossed in service. The patients get very good
medical facilities there.
There is a huge garden
out of the village. (This) garden looks beautiful by green trees and blossomed
creepers. Children happily play there. Near to the garden only, there is
certain temple. People go to the temple, worship lord and prey.
In the village, there
is a self help group for women. With the help of that, even women (are) able to
earn money and become self-reliant. In Nirmalapura, people do not eat liquor,
nor eat tobacco leaf nor waste time in gambling. All work hard, earn money and
live happily.
Therefore, this village is free from dispute.
Even a prize meant for a dispute-free village, is obtained by this village. And
in this way, truly Nirmalapura is an ideal village. This village which is
sponsored by Saint-GadagebabaMaharaj-cleanliness drive makes its name
Nirmalapura meaningful.
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