हास्यमेव जयति ।
tRtIya: paz: È
jayait È
Sandhi Dissolution:
Ä puna: + maoilatuma\ È jaanaamyahma\ Ä jaanaaima + Ahma\ È
Ä hasyama\ + eva + AaOYaQama\ È [tstt: Ä [t: + tt: È
Ä Baar: + ca È caaip Ä ca + Aip È
Ä kaya-magna: + Aist È tOssaaQa-ma\
Ä tO: + saaQa-ma\ È
Ä vaata-laap: + ABavat\ È tdOva
Ä tda + eva È
Ä ya: + Apakraot\ È
Ä p`aHjaila: + Aanat: + Aisma È
Ä koYaaiHcat\ + janaanaama\ È
Ä AaOYaQaoYau + Aip È
Ä samaIpo + eva È
AasaIt\ Ä was,
Ä beautiful,
Ä morning
time, Ba`maNaaqa-M
Ä to
wonder, gacCntI
Ä while
going, Aksmaat\
Ä suddenly,
Ä alphabetical
form, QvainaM
Ä sound Eau%vaa Ä having
heard, [tstt:
Ä here
and there, d`YTuM Ä to see, p`arBao Ä started, ikM Ä what, nau Ä really,
Ä is
going on, ett\ Ä this, kaOtUhlaM Ä curiosity, mao Ä my, manaisa Ä mind,
Ä was
created, samaIpo Ä near hasyasa=\Ga: Ä laughter
club, kaya-magna:
Ä engrossed
in work, dRYT: Ä seen,
AnantrM Ä after
tO: saaQa-M Ä with them, vaata-laap: Ä conversation, ABavat\ Ä took
place, tda Ä at
that time, eva Ä only, vaayausyaUthasyaM Ä balloon laughter, jalayan~hasyaM Ä water pump laughter,
p`%yaHcaahasyaM Ä string laughter, manqanahasyaM
Ä churning
laughter, snaayava: Ä muscles, sahBaaigana: Bavaint Ä are engaged, kaiznyaM Ä stiffness, manasa: Baar: Ä stress of mind, dUrIkt-uma\ Ä to
saHcarit Ä moves, kba-vaayau: Ä carbon di-oxide,
vaacaaM Ä of
malaM Ä impurity, Apakraot\ Ä removed, p`varM Ä great, p`aHjaila: Ä person with folded palms, Aanat: Ä modest, Aisma Ä I
samama\ Ä similar,
tailakavaadnaona Ä by clapping of hands, spSa-ibandva: Ä pressure
saMGaT\Tnaona Ä by friction, prma\ Ä but, hasyaBaajanaM
Ä object
of laughter, hasyaivaYaya: Ä subject of laughter, sa=\GaBaavanaa
feeling of togetherness, unitedness, dRZIBavait Ä is strengthened,
sava-ma=\galap`aqa-naanantrM Ä after
praying everyone's welfare. ivasaija-t: Bavait Ä is getting dispersed, AnyaoVu: Ä next day, [h Ä in this world, svaaQaInaM Ä self reliant, ]%sauka: Ä eager, curious, sqa Ä (you all) are.
It was a beautiful
morning time. I who was going for morning walk, suddenly having heard a sound
of alphabetical form haha haha hihi hihi huhu huhu started to see here and
there. A curiosity was created in my mind that what is really going on? It was
seen by me that in a playground nearby itself, certain laughter club was busy
in their work.
Then after, a
conversation took place with them. At that time only, it was known by me that
there are various types of laughter, just as welcome laughter, child laughter,
balloon laughter, minister laughter, water pump laughter, string (of a bow)
laughter, churning laughter etc. By the way, in a laughter, fifteen muscles of
mouth are engaged. To remove the stiffness of the muscles and stress of mind,
laughter only is the medicine. During laughter, oxygen having entered in the
body moves (and) impure air named carbon di-oxide goes out of the body. In this
way, laughter is necessary to maintain the health.
The members of laughter
club meet every morning. At the beginning salutations are done to the preceptor
of Yoga, Patanjali (as) - I, with folded
hands, am modest towards that great one among sages (by the name) Patanjali who
removed the impurities of mind by Yoga, (impurities) of speech by Grammar,
(impurities) of body by medical science.
Similar to laughter, by
the movement of hands and feet, an exercise is done to the whole body. By
clapping, whatever pressure points are present on the palm of hands by their
friction health is improved.
Let us laugh. Let us make
others laugh. But we should not make others as an object of laughing nor should
we become an object of laughing for some people with this thought feeling of
being united is strengthened among the people who are gathered.
Salutation to motherland,
after praying everyone's welfare, having bowed down to the god Sun, (this)
laughter club is getting dispersed to meet again in the next morning.
Some Subhashitakar says In this world,
(people) say that laughter is the supreme among all other medicines which is
self-reliant and even easily available increases life and happiness.
I know that you are eager
to enjoy this laughter which gives happiness. Why delay?
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