लवणतुल्य: स्नेह:

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लवणतुल्य: स्नेह: ।
iWtIya: paz: È
lavaNatulya: snaoh: È
Sandhi Dissolution:
sama`aD\ Akbar: Ä sama`aT\ + Akbar: È 
vaIrbalamapRcCt\ Ä vaIrbalama\ + ApRcCt\ È
tulyaao mantvya: Ä tulya: + mantvya: È
vaIrbalaao|vadt\ Ä vaIrbala: + Avadt\ È
Anaonaao<aroNa Ä Anaona + ]<aroNa È
t~aopisqata Ä t~ + ]pisqata È
pirvaoSaiyatumaaidSat\ Ä pirvaoSaiyatuma\ + AaidSat\ È
BaaojanamaarBat Ä Baaojanama\ + AarBat È
JaiT%yaova Ä JaiTit + eva È
sa vyarmat\ Ä sa: + vyarmat\ È
caiktao vaIrbalaao|pRcCt\ Ä caikt: + vaIrbala: + ApRcCt\ È
Akbarao|vadt\ Ä Akbar: + Avadt\ È
saovakanaaidSat\ Äsaovakana\ + AaidSat\ È
Baaojanamaanayaaima Ä Baaojanama\ + Aanayaaima È [%yau@%vaa Ä [it + ]@%vaa È punaSca Ä puna: + ca È                     naaist Ä na + Aist È
tdnnamaip Ätt\ + Annama\ + Aip È    vaIrbalaao|gadt\ Ä vaIrbala: + Agadt\ È
BaxaiyatumaarbQaaO Ä Baxaiyatuma\ + AarbQaaO È     
mantvya: Ä should be considered, JaiTit Ä quickly, Bava%snaoh: Ä your affection, lavaNatulya: Ä comparable to salt, xaud`lavaNaona Ä with insignificant salt, saaxaIp`maaNaM kraotuÄ prove, tUYNaIM isqat: Ä remained silent, Baaojanasamaaraoh: Ä feast, Aayaaoijat: Ä was organized, vyarmat\ Ä stopped, AaidSat\ Ä ordered, AsamaqaaO- Ä was unable, yat: Ä because, pyaa-Ptma\ Ä is enough,  yaaogyap`maaNama\ Ä right proportion, caot\ Ä if, yaqaayaaogyama\ Ä proper, Aasvaadyatama\ Ä enjoy, yat: Ä because, yat: Ä because.
       Once Emperor Akbar asked Vīrabala in the assembly, “Oh Vīrabala, the affection I have for (my) subjects is like a family (son). Say, with what, that affection is suitable to be compared with?” Quickly, Vīrabala said, “ O King, your affection for subjects is comparable with salt.” With this answer, neither King nor Queen became happy. Queen said, “ O Vīrabala, a king is compared with mere salt? Justify this with illustrative evidence.” Vīrabala was quite with a smile.
        After two months, common feast was organized by Vīrabala. Queen was present there along with the king. Vīrabala ordered the servants to serve the food. Delighted king started to have food. But, instantly he stopped. Seeing dissatisfaction on his face, surprised Vīrabala asked, “ O King, what happened?” Akbar said, “Virabala, there is no salt in food.” “Forgive me. Oh king, I will bring another food.” Saying this, Vīrabala again ordered the servants. King and Queen were also unable to eat that food also because the food was having excessive salt.
        Seeing that Vīrabala said, “ O King, I think this illustrative evidence is enough. As the amount of salt must be sufficient in food, similarly the affection of King towards his subjects. If salt is less in the food, the food will be tasteless and salty food is difficult to consume. If the affection for subjects is less, the subjects will be upset (angry) and if more, there will not be any respectful fear for the king. Hence, affection should also be sufficient. Forgive me. Now enjoy the food with sufficient salt.”
        With this answer, delighted King Akbar rewarded Vīrabala.

Shreehari Gokarnakar


PhD in Sanskrit literature


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