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प्रथम: पाठ: ǀ
शिष्योत्तम: ǀ
Chapter one
Best Disciple

आसीत् पुरा सुविख्यातो नागार्जुनो नाम रसायनशास्त्रज्ञ: चिकित्सकश्चǀ तस्य सेवावतिन: कीर्ति: देशविदेशेषु प्रसृताǀ
Formerly, there was a famous alchemist and a physician named as Nagarjuna. The fame of the one who pledged to serve, spread across the countries.

एकदा राजानंगत्वानागार्जुन: प्रार्थयामास, “महाराज, कार्यबाहुल्याद्मत्कृतेसहायकस्यआवश्यकतावर्ततेǀ” एतच्छ्रुत्वाद्वितीयेदिनेएवतंप्रतिमहाराज: द्वौयुवानौप्रेषितवान्ǀ तौपरीक्षितुंनागार्जुन: उभावपिएकैकंवस्तुदत्त्वाअवदत्, “इदंगॄहीत्वास्वगॄहंगच्छतम्ǀ श्व: तस्मात्किमपिरसायनम्औषधंवानिर्मीयआनयतमितिǀ”
Once having gone to the king, Nagarjuna requested, “Your Majesty, I need an assistant due to excessive work.” Hearing this, the king sent two youngsters to him on the second day itself. To examine them, having given one thing each to both of them Nagarjuna said, “Take this (and) go to (your) own house. Having prepared some potion (medicine) from that, bring it tomorrow.”

अथ अपरेद्यु: उभौ तौ नागार्जुनं प्रति आगतवन्तौǀ तदा तयोरेक: उक्तवान् , “महाशय, अहं रसायनं कृत्वा आनीतवान्ǀ पश्यतु भवानितिǀ” द्वितीयं शान्तचेतसं दॄष्ट्वा नागार्जुनेन पृष्टम्, “कथमिदानीमभाषमाण: तिष्ठसि?  किं त्वया नानाीतं रसायनम्?”  तदाकर्ण्य मन्दस्वरेण अगदत्, “आचार्य, ह्य: गच्छन् पथि आवामेकं रुग्णमपश्यावǀ तस्यावस्थां वीक्ष्य तं झटिति रुग्णालयं नेयमिति मत्वा अहं तं नीतवान्ǀ तस्य समीपे स्थित्वा सेवां कृतवान्ǀ अत: समयाभावाद् रसायनं निर्मातुं नाशक्नवम्ǀ
Then on the next day, both of them came to Nagarjuna. At that time one of them said, “O sir, having prepared I have brought the potion. May the respected one see (it).” Having seen the second one silent, it was asked by Nagarjuna, “ Why do you remain speechless now? Have you not brought the potion?" Hearing that he said in a low voice, “Acharya, yesterday while going, both of us saw a patient on the road. Having seen his condition, he should be immediately taken to the hospital with this thinking I took him (to the hospital). Having stayed with him, I served him. Therefore, due to lack of time I could not prepare the potion.”

तस्य सेवाभावं ज्ञात्वा नागार्जुनस्तमेव द्वितीयं युवकं सहायकत्वेन स्वीकृतवान्ǀ 'रसायनं आनीतमपि तस्मै किमर्थं सहायकपदं दत्तम्?' इति राज्ञा पृष्टे नागार्जुनोऽभणत् , “एतेन रोगिण: सेवाकृता, मानवता दर्शिताǀ सेवाभावेन विना कथं चिकित्सको भवेत्? अत: अस्यैव नियुक्ति: मया कृता ǀ”
Having understood his serving nature, Nagarjuna accepted that second youngster only as an assistant. Why the position of an assistant was bestowed upon him even though the potion was not brought? When this question was asked by the King, Nagarjuna said, “He served the patient (and) displayed humanity. Without a serving nature how one can become a doctor? Hence, only he was selected by me.”

सेवाभाव: परमगहनोऽत: एवपरीक्षणीय: इतियत्कथ्यतेतद्यथार्थमेवǀ
What is said, is indeed true that a serving nature is difficult, so only that should be tested.

Sandhi Dissolution:
1नागार्जुनोनाम= नागार्जुन: + नामǀ
2चिकित्सकश्च=  चिकित्सक: + ǀ
3एतच्छ्रुत्वा= एतत्+ श्रुत्वाǀ                  
4उभावपि= उभौ+ अपिǀ      
5आनयतमिति=  आनयतम् + इति ǀ
6तयोरेक: = तयो: + एक: ǀ                
7भवानिति= भवान्+ इतिǀ                   
8कथमिदानीम्= कथम्+ इदम्  ǀ          
9नानीतं= + आनीतम्ǀ                       
10तदाकर्ण्य=  तत् + आकर्ण्य ǀ
11आवामेकं= आवाम्+ एकम्     
12रुग्णमपश्याव=  रुग्णम् + अपश्याव ǀ
13तस्यावस्थां= तस्य+ अवस्थाम्ǀ     
14नेयमिति= नेयम्+ इतिǀ      
15नाशक्नवम्=  + अशक्नवम् ǀ
16नागार्जुनस्तमेव= नागार्जुन: + तम्+ एवǀ
17आनीतमस्ति=  आनीतम् + अस्ति ǀ           
18नागार्जुनोऽभणत्= नागार्जुन: + अभणत्ǀ
19अस्यैव= अस्य+ एवǀ
20परमगहनोऽत: =  परमगहन: + अत: ǀ
21एव= : + एवǀ
22 तद्यथार्थमेव =  तत् + यथार्थम् + एव ǀ

आसीत्= was,                                
पुरा= formerly,
सुविख्यात: = famous,                  
रसायनशास्त्रज्ञ= alchemist,
चिकित्सक: = doctor,                   
सेवाव्रतिन: = one who had taken a vow of service
प्रसॄता= Spread,                                          
प्रार्थयामास= requested,
सहायकस्य= of an assistant,    
युवानौ= youngsters, 
प्रेषितवान्= sent,                           
श्व: = tomorrow, 
अपरेद्यु:= next day,                     
मन्दस्वरेण= in a low voice, 
पथि= on the way,                         
झटिति= immediately,
नियुक्ति: = selection,                  
परमगहन: = very difficult

Shreehari Gokarnakar


PhD in Sanskrit literature


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