paz: È
शरीरस्य मूल्यम् ।
kismaMiScat\ Ä in a certain, nagaro Ä city,
Ä certain, naRp: Ä king, AasaIt\ Ä was, sa: Ä he,
Ä always, ivaYaNNa: Ä
dipressed, eva Ä only, Avat-t Ä was, yat: Ä because, dRiYThIna: Ä
tismana\ eva
Ä in
the same city, kao|ip Ä certain,
Ä begger, rqyaayaama\ Ä
the road, inavasait sma Ä use to stay, AQana: Ä poor, ina%yama\ Ä
always, [-Svaraya Ä
god, dUYaNaaina AyacCt\ Ä
blamed, Avadt\ Ä said, na ikmaip Ä
nothing, d<ama\ Ä
has been given, ]drBarNaaqa-ma\ Ä to feed myself, lajjaarxaNaaqa-M Ä
maintain dignity, pyaa-PtM Ä sufficient, inavaasasqaanama\ Ä
residence, purt: Ä in
front, AakNa-yat\ Ä heard,
Aah\vayat\ Ä called,ApRcCt\ Ä asked, ikmaqa-M Ä why,dUYayaisa Ä
you blame, ABaNat\ Ä
said,laaocanao Ä
eyes, ikyat\ Ä how much, p`%yavadt\ Ä
replied, kamayao Ä I
wish, tavad\ Ä that much,
sajja: Bava Ä get
ready, nao~ao%paTnaaqa-ma\ ]Vta: Ä were ready to pull out the eyes, xamasva Ä forgive, st: Ä are, spRhyaaima Ä I wish, bahumaUlyaM Äprecious, va`IiDt: Ä was ashamed,
tt: p`BaRit Ä Since then.
Sandhi Dissolution:
1) sadOva Ä sada + eva È (Aa +
e Ä eo )
2) kao|ip Ä k: + Aip È
3) rqyaayaamaova Ä rqyaayaama\ + eva È
4) evamaova Ä evama\ + eva È
5) t%xaNamaova Ä t%xaNama\ + eva È
6) ekmaip Ä ekma\ + Aip È
7) yau@tmaott\ Ä yau@tma\ + ett\ È
In a certain city,
there was a certain king. He was always depressed only because he was blind.
In the same city,
certain beggar use to stay on the road itself. Being poor, he always blamed
god. He said," Nothing has been given me by god. No food to feed myself
nor clothes to maintain dignity, no money nor a residence."
Once, that beggar was
criticizing god in the same manner in front of the royal palace. King heard
that speech and called him. King asked him," Why are you blaming god?
Nevertheless, god is very kind." Beggar said," O king, truly saying.
Nothing has been given me by god." King said, "Do you have two
eyes?" "Yes." King said, " You give me your both the eyes.
I will give you ample of money. I am blind. But, I wish to see this beautiful
world by your eyes. Tell, how much money you want?" Beggar replied,"
O King, I desire ten lakh rupees." "Let it be. I shall give you that
much money. Get ready to donate (your) eyes without delay." When the
attendants of the king got ready to pull out beggars eyes, at that moment only
beggar said loudly," O King, forgive me. My eyes are priceless. I do not
wish to give even a single eye. I do not desire your money."
King said," O
fool, precious body is given to you by god. Even then, why do you blame him
always? Is it correct?" Beggar got ashamed. Since then, he never
criticized god.
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