कालिदासस्य चातुर्यम्

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कालिदासस्य चातुर्यम् ।
P`aqama: paz: È
kailadasasya caatuya-ma\ È

Sandhi Dissolution:
Baaojaao naama Ä Baaoja: + naama È          ]Baavaip Ä ]BaaO + Aip È
kao|ip Ä k: + Aip È               Bava%yaova Ä Bavait + eva È
tmanvaoYTuma\ Ä tma\ + AnvaoYTuma\ È        tmapRcCt\ Ä tma\ + ApRcCt\ È
baihrgacCt\ Ä baih: + AgacCt\ È      %va~Ova Ä tu + A~ + eva È
ku~aip Ä ku~ + Aip È              Wavaova Ä WaO + eva È
jaanaamyahma\ Ä jaanaaima + Ahma\ È       Baaojarajaao|pr: Ä Baaojaraja: + Apr: È
etnna Äett\ + na È                  Wyamaova Ä Wyama\ + eva È
kivar%nao Ä two poets like jewels, vaoSaantrM Ì%vaa Ä in disguise, maaga-M vyasmartama\ Ä lost their way, svaist Bavato Ä may it be well with you, tih- Ä then, AitqaIÄ visitors, guests, saaQaU Ä saints, prdoSasqaaO Ä two foreigners, dInaaO Ä two poors, Aja: Ä he-goat, yaacak: Ä a begger, Apr: Ä another, p`kTIÌ%ya Ä revealing, xamyatama\ Ä forgive me.
        A king named Bhoja use to rule the city of Dhārā. In his royal court, Kālidāsa and Māgha were two poets like jewels. Both of them were clever. Once, thinking that among my subjects there must be someone cleverer than  Kālidāsa, King Bhoja went out of the palace in disguise along with Māgha in search of him. During the entertaining through poetry and science, they both lost their way. Seeing an old man on the way, the King asked him-
King – Sir, I bow (to you). Where does this way go?
Old Man – May it be well with you. This road remains here only, does not go anywhere. Who are both of you?
King – We are travelers.
Old Man – Impossible! Because there are only two travelers, i.e. the sun and the moon.
Māgha – Then we both are guests.
Old Man – Wealth and youth are the two guests. Who are you?
King – We both are kings.
Old Man- How is it possible? There are only two kings, Indra and Yama.
Māgha – We both are saints. Now tell….
Old Man- Peace and contentment are the two saints. Then who are you?
King- We two are foreigners.
Old Man- There are two foreigners, a soul and a leaf of the tree.
Māgha – We both are poor (helpless).
Old Man- But, there are only two poor ones, a he-goat and a beggar.
King – We are defeated. Please show us the way.
Old Man- How can both of you, defeated? Because the two defeated ones are a debtor and a thoughtless person. Let it be. I know that you are king Bhoja and the other one is a scholar Māgha.
King- Good Good! There is (someone) among my subjects who is cleverer than Kālidāsa.
Old Man- (Revealing his identity) Forgive me, Your Majesty. This is not possible because Kālidāsa cannot be cleverer than Kālidāsa.

Shreehari Gokarnakar


PhD in Sanskrit literature


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