सुभाषितमाला 2

by 07:52 0 comments
YaYzÁ pazÁ
सुभाषितमाला 2 ।
naahM vasaaima vaOkuNzo yaaoiganaaM )dyao tqaa È                                  Eaimaka: ya~ Eaamyaint t~ itYzaima sava-da È È          
Sandhi Dissolution:                                                       naahM Ä na + Ahma\ È ( A + A Ä Aa  )
Meanings: na AhM vasaaima Ä I do not stay,  vaOkuNzo Ä in Vaikuntha, abode of lord Vishnu, yaaoiganaama\ Ä of ascetics,  )dyao Ä in the heart, tqaa Ä similarly, Eaimaka:  Ä workers, ya~ Ä where, Eaamyaint Ä works , t~ Ä there, itYzaima Ä stay, sava-da Ä always.
Translation: (Lord Vishnu says) I do not stay in Vaikuntha, likewise in the heart of ascetics. (I) always stay there where the workers work (hard).

gauÉNaa SaaoBato iSaYya: iSaYyaoNaaip gauÉstqaa È                              ]BaaByaaM SaaoBato Saalaa Saalayaa SaaoBato purma\ È È                 
Sandhi Dissolution:                                           iSaYyaoNaaip Ä iSaYyaoNa + Aip È ( A + A Ä Aa  )                              gauÉstqaa Ä gauÉ: + tqaa È ( sa\ Ä :  )               
Meanings: gauÉNaa Ä by a teacher,  SaaoBato Ä looks beautiful, iSaYya: Ä student ,  iSaYyaoNa Aip Ä even by a student, tqaa Ä similarly, ]BaaByaama\ Ä by both, Saalaa  Ä school, purma\ Ä city.
Translation: A student looks beautiful by a teacher. Similarly, a teacher also (shines) by a student. By both (these) a school shines and by a school, city looks beautiful.

pustksqaa tu yaa ivaVa prhstgatM Qanama\  È                                  kaya-kalao samau%pnnao na saa ivaVa na td\ Qanama\ È È        
Meanings: pustksqaa Ä without,  yaa  Ä which, ivaVa  Ä knowledge,  prhstgatM Ä gone into others hand, kaya-kalao samau%pnnao Ä when the time of applying arrives.
Translation:Knowledge which is remained in the book and money (which is) gone into others pocket, that knowledge is not (useful and ) that money is (also not use ful) when the time of applying (that) arrives.

Aip svaNa-mayaI la=\ka na mao laxmaNa raocato  È                                jananaI janmaBaUimaSca svagaa-dip garIyasaI È È               
Sandhi Dissolution:                                          janmaBaUimaSca Ä janmaBaUima: + ca È ( Sa\ changes to : )                                  svagaa-dip Ä svagaa-t\ + Aip È ( d\ changes to t\ )
Meanings: AipÄ though,  svaNa-mayaI Ä golden, na mao raocato Ä I do not like,  caÄ and, svagaa-t\ Aip  Ä even than the heaven, garIyasaIÄ greater.
Translation: (Rama says) O Laxmana, though Lanka is golden  I do not like (it because) mother and motherland are greater even than the heaven.

SaIlaM SaaOya-manaalasyaM paiND%yaM ima~saMga`h: È                           AcaaorhrNaIyaaina pHcaOtanyaxayaao inaiQa: È È  
Sandhi Dissolution:                                                         SaaOya-manaalasyaM Ä SaaOya-ma\ + Anaalasyama\ È                                          pHcaOtanyaxayaao inaiQa: Ä pHca + etaina + Axaya: + inaiQa: È ( A + e Ä eo )   
                                         ( ya\ Ä [  )   ( Aao Ä :  )                                 
Meanings: SaIlama\ Ä character,  SaaOya-ma\ Ä bravery, Anaalasyama\ Ä industriousness,  paiND%yama\ Ä scholarship, ima~saMga`h: Ä accumulation of friends, AcaaorhrNaIyaaina Ä can not be stolen by a thief, pHca etaina Ä these five, Axaya: Ä non-diminishing, inaiQa: Ä treasures .

Translation: Character, bravery, industriousness, scholarship and accumulation of (good) friends, these are five non-diminishing treasures (which) can not be stolen (away) by a thief.

Shreehari Gokarnakar


PhD in Sanskrit literature


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